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Black Seed (Nigella Sativa) Product Range




Black Seed by My Natural Beauty



At My Natural Beauty, we stock a wide range of Black Seed Products. Black Seed:


  • Boosts immunity
  • A natural source of Thymoquinone (TQ), antioxidants, vitamins, minerals and essential fatty acids.
  • Promotes wellbeing
  • Improves digestion


Black Seed Oil Nigella Sativa Australia


Black Seed (also known as Nigella Seed or Kalonji) is derived from the fruit of the annual flowering plant known as Nigella Sativa, in the family Ranunculaceae. This superfood is a natural rich source of TQ (Thymoquinone), antioxidants, Vitamin B complex, Calcium, Zinc, iron, antioxidants, minerals , Omega 6, Omega 9 and essential fatty acids. Nigella Seed is renowned for its culinary flavour and medicinal uses and has been considered as a miracle cure for a diverse range of ailments for thousands of years. Black Seed has been used for helping the body to fight infections, balance the immune system and minimise allergic reactions. Many of the folk medicinal claims of Black Seed use have been scientifically tested. Over 150 studies have been conducted over the last five decades to investigate chemical and pharmacological properties of Black Seeds. In addition to this many of black seed’s traditionally ascribed health benefits have been thoroughly confirmed in the biomedical literature. In fact, since 1964, there have been 656 published,  peer-reviewed studies referencing it . It was even found in Egyptian pharaoh Tutankhamun's tomb, dating back to approximately 3,300 years ago. This shows its importance in history for healing and protection. In Arabic cultures, black seed is known as Habbatul Barakah, meaning the "seed of blessing." It is also believed that the Islamic prophet Mohammed said of it that it is "a remedy for all diseases except death."



Also known as Kalonji or Black cumin, Nigella seeds belong to the buttercup family of flowering plants. The fruit is a large seed capsule with up to seven follicles that contain small, pear-shaped white seeds, which only turn black when exposed to air. Gathered before they burst, the fruits are carefully dried and gently crushed to collect the seeds. Nigella Seeds are a magnificent aromatic and flavoursome spice, full of antioxidants that have grown in popularity across Australia due to these distinctive properties. Their aroma is similar to fennel and has a pungent flavour alike to nutmeg, with notes of oregano and black pepper. These characteristics contribute to why they make a great pair with savoury dishes. Black Cumin seeds are commonly roasted and ground as a spice, widely used in India and the Middle East to season curries, bread, and sweet confections. Several compounds, such as thymoquinone, carvacrol, t-anethole, and 4-terpineol, are responsible for nigellas' potent antioxidant properties and there is some scientific evidence to suggest that black cumin helps to boost the immune system as well as many other health benefits. Black seed  can be taken as a supplement on its own or why not add our versatile nigella seeds to your next dish? Nigella Seeds are amazing mixed with manuka honey for an array of health benefits. As well as sprinkled on salads, cereal, yoghurt, mixed in smoothies, in baking and treats. Nigella Seeds are incredibly popular in Middle Eastern, Indian and Mexican cuisines and is mainly used to add flavour to a range of delicious curries, rice and cous cous dishes and is even used as a meat seasoning including beef, chicken and fish. These wonderful versatile seeds also taste great when sprinkled over a range of yummy vegetable and salad dishes and even work well in a number of delicious baked goods such as freshly baked breads! The uses are endless for this deliciously versatile ancient superfood.


It has been reported that Black Seeds may beneficial for:


  • Easing symptoms of Arthritis
  • Improving symptoms of Asthma
  • Improving Acne
  • Improving Digestive Issues
  • Reducing High Blood Pressure
  • Reducing Bad Cholesterol
  • Strengthening the immune system
  • Increasing the body’s vitality
  • Exerting antioxidant & anti-inflammatory effects
  • Relieving symptoms of Rheumatoid Arthritis
  • Relieving upset stomachs and cramps
  • Improving respiratory conditions
  • And lots more….



Nature is full of wonders, but none better than Nigella Sativa, Kalonji, or Black Seed as it is commonly known. My Natural Beauty proudly brings this super food with thousands of years of tradition across hundreds of different cultures to your table and medicine cabinet. 



Our Newest product in this range is out wonderful Black Seed Oil Gummies. We have many offers to introduce this wonderful product. Please look through the range to view the different options for our New Black Seed Oil Gummies.

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Black Seed Oil Gummies Australia