ANNA'S Wild Yam Cream (Her) Menstrual & Menopausal Symptoms - 100g
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100 Grams of premium quality 'Enriched' (High potency) Wild Yam Cream packed in tubes, and vacuum sealed for your protection.
If you would like to check out the twin pack option (DISCOUNTED) for this product, please click here.
If you would like to check out the triple pack option for this product (DISCOUNTED), please click here.

Active Ingredients in 1g
- Dioscorea Villosa (Wild Yam) liquid extract 200mg
- Vitex Agnus-Castus (Chaste Tree) liquid extract 15mg
- Aloe Barbadensis (Aloe Vera) inner leaf juice powder 50mcg
- Tocopheryl Acetate (Vitamin E) 20mg
- Contains soya bean products and herbal extract solvent alcohol (ethanol 13.67% v/v)

For external use only. As directed massage well into chest, neck, breasts, abdomen, inner arms & thighs, these are areas of the body where the cream is particularly well absorbed. Select one location for each application. Please see the user guide below.
For Menstrual Discomfort: Start on Day 12 to 20 with 1/4 small 2.5ml teaspoon am & pm then Day 21 to 28 with 1/2 a small teaspoon am & pm.
For Menopause: Start on Day 7 with 1/4 of a small 2.5ml teaspoon am & pm then as above creating a new cycle if necessary.
NB: Day 1 is always the start of your period.
For further information see the comprehensive user guide below.

Product Ingredients:
- Dioscorea Villosa (Wild Yam) liquid extract 200mg from dry root 200mg
- Vitex Agnus-Castus (Chaste Tree) liquid extract 30mg from dry fruit 15mg
- Aloe Barbadensis (Aloe Vera) inner leaf juice 50 micrograms
- Tocopheryl Acetate (Vitamin E) 27.2 IU
- Contains soya bean oil (non GMO) and the herbal extract solvent alcohol (Ethanol 13.67% v/v)
- Natural Preservative containing a proprietary combination of essential oils
Dioscorea Villosa (Wild Yam) Liquid Extract 200mg From Dry Root 200mg, Vitex Agnus-Castus (Chaste Tree) Liquid Extract 30mg From Dry Fruit 15mg, Aloe Vera Inner Leaf Juice Powder 50 micrograms and D-Alpha Tocopheryl Acetate 20mg Equiv. to D-Alpha-Tocopherol (Vitamin E) 27.2 IU. Contains Soya Bean Products And The Herbal Extract Solvent Alcohol (Ethanol 13.67% v/v.)
100 Grams of premium quality 'Enriched' (High potency) Wild Yam Cream packed in glass jars, and vacuum sealed for your protection.
As there is no attempt to bleach any colouration of ingredients, the colour may vary from time to time and always represents the combination of the colours of the natural ingredients.
Proudly made in Australia.
Anna’s Wild Yam Cream is blended in an Australian manufacturing laboratory in accordance with the principles of Good Manufacturing Practice (GMP).
Anna’s Wild Yam Cream launched in February of 1997.
It was one of the first blended wild yam creams on the Australian market. We use the highest quality ingredients available. Proudly still the same incredible formula!
Anna’s is listed in the ARTG, (AUST L 345273).
For external use only. As directed massage well into chest, neck, breasts, abdomen, inner arms & thighs, these are the areas of the body where the cream is particularly well absorbed. Select one location for each application only.
The dosage amount is initially 625 mg then increasing to 1.25 g.
To simplify the dosage we have expressed this as a portion of a 5 ml teaspoon.
We suggest that you measure 1/8 of a 5 ml teaspoon (625 mg) and 1/4 of a 5 ml teaspoon (1.25 g) once to see how much each amount looks like on your finger tip as a guide of how much cream to apply from then on.
As a further guide a tube of Anna's will last 2 months if following the Menstrual Pain and Spasms protocol and 3 months if following the Milder Menstrual Pain and Spasms protocol.
A tube will last 2 months when following the Menopause and Post Menopause protocol unless more cream is needed to be used rubbed into the insides of your wrists whenever a hot flush or night sweat occurs. We would expect hot flushes and night sweats to become less severe and come less often until they disappear altogether.

Counting the first day of your period as Day 1, commence applying 1/8 of a 5 ml teaspoon (625 mg) am and pm from Day 5 to Day 18, then increase to 1/4 of a small 5 ml teaspoon (1.25 g) from Day 19 to Day 28 stopping on Day 28. Stop the use of the cream again on Day 1 and recommence on Day 5.
Your period should then come and the day your period arrives is Day 1 and you would recommence using the cream from Day 5 as above.
If a period doesn’t arrive after stopping the cream on Day 28 begin the cream again 5 days later which becomes Day 5 of your new cycle.
However remember whenever you experience a period with normal blood flow that day is always Day 1 and you would stop using the cream and count to Day 5 again.
If you experience spotting mid cycle continue with the cream until Day 28 or until you experience a full period with normal blood flow if that day is before Day 28.
Please be aware you may initially experience heightened symptoms as the nutrients are addressing underlying problems, this experience is often referred to as a 'healing crisis'.
If you are experiencing intermittent periods accompanied with hot flushes and night sweats we suggest you follow the 'Help to Reduce occurrence of Menopausal Symptoms' protocol.
Start on Day 12 with 1/8 of a 5 ml teaspoon (625 mg) am and pm then and increase from Day 19 to Day 28 with 1/4 of a 5 ml teaspoon (1.25 g).
A period should then come and you would recommence the cream on Day 12.
Counting the first day of your period as Day 1, commence applying 1/8 of a 5 ml teaspoon (625 mg) am and pm from Day 7 to Day 20 and then increase to 1/4 of a 5 ml teaspoon (1.25 g) from Day 20 to Day 28. Stop the use of the cream again on Day 1 and recommence on Day 7.
Your period may come the next day which would be Day 1 and you will recommence the cream on Day 7.
If a period doesn't arrive count to Day 7 and recommence using the cream as above.
Women who haven't had a period for several months and don't know when to start using the cream may start at any time counting the day you begin as Day 7 and follow the above protocol.
We would expect menopausal symptoms to decrease in both intensity and frequency and disappear by the third month if the above protocol is closely followed.
If at any time during this period hot flushes or night sweats cause undue discomfort we suggest to massage a small amount of cream into the inside of your wrists whenever a flush or night sweat occurs.
If hot flushes or night sweats continue it may mean that insufficient cream is being used or used irregularly.
If you are a mature woman who has passed through menopause and hasn't had a period for over 12 months you are Post-Menopausal.
For the first 2 months we suggest using 1/8 of a small 5 ml teaspoon (625 mg) am and pm every day for two months. If you are still suffering from hot flushes and night sweats we also suggest rubbing a little extra cream into the insides of your wrists whenever these occur.
After 2 months we suggest creating a cycle for yourself by the calendar month, with Day 7 being the 7th day of each month.
You would then use 1/8 of a 5 ml teaspoon (625 mg) am and pm for 2 weeks and then increase to 1/4 of a 5 ml teaspoon (1.25 g) through to the end of the month, however many days in that month and then stop, recommencing 7 days later.
If you experience a topical allergic reaction you may avoid sensitivity by applying the cream only to the palms of the hands and soles of the feet. In very rare cases a rash may also appear in areas where the cream hasn't been applied, in this case you would need to stop using the cream.
If your symptoms persist we advise you to talk to your health professional, preferably one who is knowledgeable in Natural Therapies. If you follow the appropriate protocol we are confident that your experience with Anna's will be a positive one. Feel free to contact us if you have any questions.
Please be aware that Natural Products in Australia can make no therapeutic claims without a supporting clinical trial, peer reviewed and published in an acceptable scientific journal. The cost of these processes is well beyond the financial resources of most, if not all, Natural Health Products. Therefore Australian Natural Health products predominately rely on traditional, empirical and anecdotal evidence.
Product information, including (but not limited to) product ingredients, is provided for your convenience. It is based on the information provided to My Natural Beauty by each product's manufacturer or supplier. This information, along with any product imagery, are subject to change at any time. Please always refer to the label.
Instructions above are as per the manufacturers user guide instructions. Follow the manufacturer instructions on the product and refer to the manufacturers website for testimonials, user details and any further information. Please click here for the full user guide and further information.
Disclaimer and WARNINGS
Content on this page is for reference purposes and is not intended to substitute for advice given by a medical professional, physician, pharmacist, or other licensed health-care professional. You should not use this information as self-diagnosis or for treating a health problem or disease. Contact your health-care provider immediately if you suspect that you have a medical problem. Information and statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) or the Australian Therapeutic Goods Administration (TGA) and are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease or health condition. Natural Beauty Products assumes no liability for side effects, allergies, inaccuracies or misstatements about products. We advise consulting with a medical professional prior to use. Information about this product does not offer any form of medical opinion, diagnosis or treatment and is not a substitute for medical advice from a qualified medical practitioner. It is not intended to prevent, diagnose, cure or alleviate a disease, ailment, defect or injury. Always ensure you consult your Medical Practitioner prior to using this product to treat any condition. Only use this product in accordance with the directions from your medical practitioner. Do not use if are allergic to any ingredients in this product. We assume no responsibility or liability for claims arising from your use of this product, including any individual allergic reactions and other health consequences. Please ensure consult with your medical practitioner in regards to any interactions any of the ingredients may have with medications you are on, our specific health concerns. As with any dietary, skin or herbal supplement, always discuss use with your medical practitioner in relation to your current medical condition, medications, allergies and general health (including planned pregnancy, surgery etc). Keep out of reach of children and seek medical advice before use, especially if you take medication or have a health condition. Refer to Anna's Wild Yam Cream website for further information including complete user guide, testimonials and readings.
* Product information, including (but not limited to) product ingredients, is provided for your convenience. It is based on the information provided by product manufacturers or supplier. This information, along with any product imagery, are subject to change at any time. Please always refer to the label.
Looking for other Yam Cream options? Please click here for another option for Wild Yam Cream with Chaste Tree Berry.