DIY Natural Beauty Product Recipes Recipes Using Zeolite Powder

Using Zeolite as a Beauty Product Ingredient.
Please Note- When trying any new substance for the first time, always perform a small patch test and wait 24hrs to ensure you not allergic. If irritations occur, please consult your health practitioner. Here are a few ways to use this amazing ingredient topically on your skin.
In micronised form, zeolite makes a wonderful cleansing mask. Mix 1 tablespoon of zeolite powder with 2 tablespoons of water to form a paste. Slather it on your face and leave it for up to an hour. It will deep cleanse your pores and help heal any existing blemishes.
Mix the same proportions as the mask, however wash off after about a minute so as not to dry out your skin with daily use. For something more moisturising, you can try swapping the water with your favourite face oil. Follow with your favourite moisturiser. For a range of oils you could choose from please click here.
Zeolite is a powerful natural cleanser for the skin and body. It is used for Detox baths. Just 1-2 cups per bath is required. 1 cup = 200g approx. powerful absorptive and drawing properties. Zeolite is effective in deep cleansing the skin and body. Try to soak for at least 20 minutes. Enjoy and relax! You can also use Zeolite as a foot bath. Baths are a wonderful way to detoxify, heal, restore and re-centre.

Mix 3 tbsp of zeolite powder with water and form a thin paste. Apply it liberally over your face and leave on for to 30 minutes.
Repeat twice a week and watch your pores shrink!
Gentle Oatmeal, Milk, and Honey Face Mask
1½ tbsp. Micronised Zeolite
1 tbsp. of green clay
1 tsp of Black Seed honey (or any honey you like!)
1½ tbsp. rolled oats
1 tsp milk powder
water or a floral water such as Organic Bulgarian Lavender Hydrosol or Organic Bulgarian Rose Hydrosol.
1 drop lavender essential oil
3 drops chamomile essential oil
1. Blend all dry ingredients in a food processor.
2. Mix with warm water—add it slowly to ensure you achieve the right consistency. If you add too much water, just add more zeolite or clay.
3. Once you’ve got a texture that’s like cake icing, spread it on your face and upper neck. Let it dry for 15–25 minutes before rinsing off. Follow with your favourite toner such as 100% Pure Bulgarian Rose Hydrosol and moisturiser.
2 Ingredient Moisturising Mineral Cleanser
1 tbsp. Micronised Zeolite
2 tbsps. carrier oil like almond oil or jojoba oil.
- Mix the two ingredients in a bowl.
- Massage it in your skin, and wash off after about a minute. Follow favourite toner such as 100% Pure Bulgarian Rose Hydrosol and moisturiser.

If you have serious health problems or take medication please consult your health practitioner prior to consumption. The information provided does not constitute as advice and should not be taken over the advice of medical practitioners or any licensed healthcare professionals.